Division Strategies
Division as Repeated Subtraction
42 divided by 7 Repeatedly subtract 7 from 42 until you reach a difference of 0
42-7= 35
Now count how many times you subtracted 7
You subtracted 6 times, so the quotient (answer to a division equation) is 6.

More Repeated Subtraction, using powerful facts
36 divided by 2
Think powerful! If I know 2 x 1 then I know 2 x 10
So instead of subtracting 2 repeatedly, I can start by subtracting 20
36-20 = 16 (since I subtracted 20, that's the same as 10 two's)
Now think 2 x ?? = 16........ 8!
Subtract 16
16-16 = 0 (Since I subtracted 16, that's the same as 8 two's)
So how many times did I subtract 2? Well, 10 + 8 = 18
So, 36 divided by 2 = 18

Standard Algorithm

Area Model
Due to the Area Model being difficult to draw onto the blog, please read and follow the step by step guide sent home on Wednesday.
Click the link below to take you to an awesome Blendspace that shows multiple strategies for division.
Division Strategies
You can also visit http://www.cfgmath.weebly.com for lots of resources, guides, and games to help your child at home.