Thursday, August 28, 2014

Flipping For Science!

Today we practiced making predictions. Student were going to flip a penny 40 times and record whether it landed on heads or tails. But before they flipped, they had to predict how many of each they would get. Then after flipping, they had to analyze the results and see of their predictions were right. We are learning that your predictions are not always right, and that's ok! But we know that we need to make logical predictions based on facts and research. Some students results actually matched their predictions exactly! We were learning, but I'm still convinced they just really liked flipping the penny in the air. :)

Our first Science test will be Wednesday, September 3rd. All students will receive a study guide Friday, August 29th. Please review your students notes and the study guide each night. Also, if you sign the study guide by test day, students can earn an extra 5 points on the test. Thanks in advance for your support!!

Check out some pics of the kids "flipping for Science!".